Um queimador de gordura hardcore que aumenta a termogênese, aumenta a taxa metabólica em sintonia com a queima de calorias – este é o PrimeShred . Ele também pode fornecer energia extra e foco com um ingrediente nootrópico incluído. Gostamos do PrimeShred – veja o que você pensa .
Table of Contents
O que é PrimeShred?
PrimeShred é um queimador de gordura hardcore fabricado nos EUA pela Muscle Club Limited. Não se destina à perda de peso geral. O PrimeShred foi projetado para homens e mulheres que estão tentando construir seu físico ideal.
Como com qualquer outro produto de queima de gordura, você precisa usar o PrimeShred junto com uma dieta de baixa energia.
Embora as dietas com baixas calorias sejam boas para ajudar você a queimar gordura, elas não são tão boas para os músculos. Além de queimar gordura para obter energia, seu corpo também pode queimar proteínas.
Ele normalmente queima consideravelmente mais gordura do que proteína porque seus estoques de gordura são a fonte secundária de combustível do seu corpo. No entanto, quando sua dieta não fornece calorias suficientes, ainda é normal queimar um pouco de proteína muscular também.
Quando seu corpo queima proteína muscular, isso causa reduções na massa muscular. Se você trabalhou duro para entrar em forma, essa é a última coisa que você deseja.
PrimeShred não é um queimador de gordura normal. É um produto especializado que ajuda a queimar mais gordura e sem perder músculos.
Frequentadores de academia com objetivos competitivos sérios geralmente usam o PrimeShred quando estão tentando se levantar antes das competições.
Também é uma boa opção para aqueles momentos em que você precisa largar seu peso extra rapidamente para ficar bem na praia durante as férias ou para casamentos ou outras ocasiões especiais.
Quando você está controlando a ingestão de energia e treinando forte, isso pode desequilibrar seus hormônios e destruir seu estado de espírito.
Por outro lado, problemas de humor podem afetar seu treinamento. Por outro lado, podem torná-lo mais inclinado a comer confortavelmente. É por isso que o PrimeShred também fornece ingredientes que regulam o humor e ajudam você a manter um estado de espírito positivo.
Benefícios do PrimeShred
- Perder gordura pura, não músculo
- Transforme seu corpo
- Romper platôs e eliminar a gordura teimosa
Como funciona o PrimeShred?
PrimeShred é um queimador de gordura termogênico que aumenta seu gasto calórico diário de duas maneiras, forçando seu corpo a queimar gordura extra.
Tal como acontece com produtos menos especializados, PrimeShred aumenta o seu metabolismo, tornando-o mais rápido. Quando o metabolismo aumenta, você queima mais calorias de energia do que o normal durante o exercício. Você até queima calorias extras quando está relaxando ou dormindo.
Se você comesse normalmente, seu corpo simplesmente tiraria as calorias de que necessita e armazenaria o excesso na forma de gordura. Durante os ciclos de corte, ele não pode fazer isso. Como sua ingestão de energia é tão baixa, ela precisa queimar gordura extra.
Queimador de gordura termogênica
PrimeShred também aumenta a termogênese. É um processo biológico contínuo que gera calor dentro de seu corpo. O calor criado por meio da termogênese irradia de seu corpo para a atmosfera ao seu redor.
Se você já correu em temperaturas abaixo de zero e viu o vapor subindo de sua pele, pode ter uma ideia de como isso funciona. Como alguns dos ingredientes do PrimeShred, o exercício aumenta a termogênese.
Aumenta o metabolismo
Calor é energia. Quando você está perdendo energia extra na forma de calor, durante a dieta, você precisa queimar ainda mais gordura.
Além de aumentar o metabolismo e a termogênese, como fazem os queimadores de gordura mais simples, o PrimeShred ajusta a atividade dos hormônios e enzimas que queimam gordura. Isso ajuda você a obter resultados ainda mais superiores.
A formulação também aumenta a energia e o foco mental, tornando você menos sujeito à fadiga. As melhorias na energia e no foco mental também permitem que você tenha um melhor desempenho durante o treinamento.
What’s the Best Way to Use PrimeShred?
The dose is three PrimeShred capsules per day. You take them 20 minutes before eating your breakfast.
You need to take the capsule daily, not just on your training days.
Ingredient Profile
Each (3-capsule) dose of PrimeShred Provides 12 key ingredients in the following quantities:
- Niacin (15 mg)
- Vitamin B6 (1.3 mg)
- Vitamin B12 (24 mcg)
- Green Tea (500 mg)
- L-Tyrosine (300 mg)
- Rhodiola (250 mg)
- L-Theanine (250 mg)
- Caffeine Anhydrous (225 mg)
- Cayenne Pepper [10:1] (200 mg)
- DMAE Bitartrate (150 mg)
- Green Coffee Bean Extract [4:1] (100 mg)
- BioPerine (5 mg)
The capsule shell contains Hypromellose, not gelatin. PrimeShred is a 100% vegan-friendly fat-burning product.
What Do the Ingredients Do?
Now we reach a very important part of the review. It’s time to look at the ingredients’ abilities and discover what they bring to the table.
B Vitamins
All three of the B vitamins in PrimeShred are present in most energy drinks because they help your body extract energy from food.
B Vitamins are water-soluble. Your body cannot store them so you need to consume them every day. When you are following a low-energy diet, it’s easy to become deficient. If this happens your energy levels will suffer so it’s good that PrimeShred provides a top-up.
Niacin is an especially useful addition because it improves circulation. By doing this, it helps your muscles get extra oxygen and nutrients. This delays lactic acid build-up, enabling you to train your muscles a little longer and harder before the pain forces you to stop.
Research suggests Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins stimulate the production of brain chemicals that prevent depression so these three nutrients add value to the formulation in several ways.
Green Tea (500 mg)
Green tea is a popular natural fat burner. It’s popular because it works. There’s a mountain of research to support using green tea in this way and 500 mg is a good dose.
Green tea helps you to burn extra calories and fat by increasing metabolism and thermogenesis. Research shows the green tea catechins that are responsible for this also reduce LDL cholesterol. This makes green tea potentially good for the heart.
L-Tyrosine (300 mg)
L-tyrosine is an amino acid. In addition to being a building block of muscle, L-tyrosine is also a precursor to important neurotransmitters that are necessary for clear-headed thinking and help regulate mood.
So, regardless of whether you need to improve your mood or mental focus, this often undervalued amino acid can help.
Rhodiola (250 mg)
Also known as Arctic root, Rhodiola rosea is a medical plant that’s been exploited by herbal healers for thousands of years.
Rhodiola is an adaptogen. Plants that fall into this group provide natural compounds that help make you less susceptible to physical and mental stress.
People often consume Rhodiola to fight fatigue, anxiety, and depression. It gets a lot of respect for its abilities in these and several other areas.
Study data suggests 200 mg to 600 mg per day is a safe and effective dose, so the 250 mg PrimeShred provides is about right.
L-Theanine (250 mg)
L-theanine is an amino acid that’s present in green tea and certain species of mushrooms. It’s often added to nootropic supplements because it supports a very special state of mind people describe as an “alert calm.”
Basically, it helps you to chill out and calm down without slowing you down by causing sedation. That’s a benefit you may appreciate if you are looking for something to help keep your training periods stress-free.
Caffeine Anhydrous (225 mg)
Caffeine is a popular stimulant that’s good for boosting energy levels and clearing the mind. Lots of bodybuilding supplements contain caffeine because its revitalization abilities can help you to train.
Caffeine is also present in many diet pills because countless studies show it supports fat loss by increasing metabolism and thermogenesis.
Unfortunately, caffeine’s abilities are often abused by manufacturers who load their products with stupidly high doses. One of the reasons they do so is because caffeine is cheaper than most of the alternatives.
The dose PrimeShred provides is bang on the mark and should provide maximum benefits without jitters or other unpleasant side effects.
Cayenne Pepper [10:1] (200 mg)
Cayenne pepper provides capsaicin. If you haven’t heard of it, where have you been? It’s one of the most exciting natural fat burners to emerge in recent years.
Although there’s already plenty of research that proves the capsaicin in cayenne can improve fat loss by boosting metabolism and thermogenesis, the benefits don’t end there.
The ingredient can also make your life easier by reducing hunger.
Furthermore, cayenne’s ability to support fat loss also appears to be due to the way it affects brown adipose tissue (BAT).
Cayenne stimulates increases in BAT and, believe it or not, that’s not a bad thing.
Most of your body fat consists of white adipose tissue (WAT). When BAT increases, it causes reductions in WAT. You could say BAT is a fat-burning fat.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is only swapping one type of fat for another. On a molecular level, BAT is denser. It takes up less room than WAT.
DMAE Bitartrate (150 mg)
DMAE Bitartrate is an organic ingredient that’s often present in supplements. Especially ones that aim to benefit the mind.
DMAE bitartrate is a useful addition here because it improves motivation and mental focus. Let’s not forget PrimeShred is a fat-burning supplement that’s specially designed to work well for people who like to train.
Green Coffee Bean Extract [4:1] (100 mg)
The PrimeShred website says green coffee bean extract increases metabolism and thermogenesis. This may be so, but its ability to do these things is often questioned.
However, regardless of the method of action, research involving overweight men and women suggests green coffee bean extract can reduce body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.
BioPerine (5 mg)
BioPerine is a superior-strength black pepper extract that’s standardized to be at least 95% piperine.
Piperine is an alkaloid that boosts ingredient absorption, allowing you to obtain the maximum benefits from them.
Some manufacturers put basic black pepper extracts in their products. There’s nothing wrong with that but it’s great to see PrimeShred has BioPerine instead because its greater potency makes it a far superior option.
Does PrimeShred Cause Side Effects?
Muscle Club Limited says there are no side effects. However, the pills contain caffeine. That makes them unsuitable for anyone who does not tolerate the stimulant well.
PrimeShred does not contain an unreasonable amount of caffeine though. You’d get a similar hit from drinking a couple of cups of coffee. You may want to bear that in mind before taking PrimeShred alongside an energy drink or a strong cup of coffee.
PrimeShred Buying Options and Considerations
You can only buy PrimeShred from the official website (Wal Mart, Walgreen CVS and GNS do not sell). At the time of this review, a 30-day supply of pills (90 capsules) cost just under $50 – USA pricing. That’s very reasonable. Many alternative products with less to offer cost considerably more.
Unfortunately, when you only order one bottle you get lumbered with a small shipping charge. If you don’t like additional charges (and who does?) it makes sense to order an extra bottle or two. When you do that, the shipping charge is waived.
Even if you don’t mind paying for shipping, it may still be a good idea to order a couple of bottles because Muscle Club Limited will throw in an extra bottle free of charge.
If you go for three bottles, it’s better still. That will get you five bottles for the price of three.
PrimeShred has a 100-day money-back guarantee. That’s very good and you don’t even need to return your empty bottles.
PrimeShred Review Conclusion
Although PrimeShred may not be the ideal option for the average person seeking weight loss, it’s a superior option for bodybuilders and other athletes who want to burn fat while also retaining or improving their existing muscle mass.
Someone clever individual(s) at Muscle Club Limited has put a great deal of thought into developing this product. The ingredients profile is first-rate and all the inclusions are present in effective amounts. There hasn’t been any scrimping at all.
It’s especially good to see Muscle Club Limited hasn’t resorted to overusing caffeine like so many other manufacturers do.
Instead of getting heavy-handed with the caffeine content or including additional stimulants, the company has added B vitamins. That was a smart move and the formulation is all the better for it.
As far as the PrimeShred cots in concerned, it’s priced very competitively . Even if you only buy one bottle and have to pay for the shipping, the overall cost is very reasonable.
And let’s not forget Muscle Club Limited is providing its customers with a surprisingly lengthy money-back guarantee. When it comes to this particular product, Muscle Club Limited gets full marks all around.
click here to order PrimeShred from the official website »
Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.